How The Media Suppressed Free Energy

“If these new energy technologies were to be set free world-wide, the change would be profound; it would effect everybody: it would be applicable everywhere. These technologies are absolutely the most important thing that has happened in the history of the world.

– Brian O’Leary, Physics Professor, NASA Astronaut

The public’s understanding of the environment literally shapes the future of our world. How the pubic perceives the environment and the issues that impact it directly affects the course of actions that they take.

The profiteers that are making billions of dollars from the energy industry understand that better than anyone. And they have been using it to their advantage since the beginning of the industrial revolution. They are masters at frame.

Politicians are also masters of frame. If you still don’t quite understand framing, take a look at our politicians in this upcoming election. Even if you completely disagree with Ted Cruz’s policies and opinions, after hearing him talk for long enough, you might soon find yourself beginning to nod is approval, even if you know deep down that he’s full of BS.

The power of words

Certain words that we here trigger and activate circuits within our brain and strengthen certain connections, while weakening others. The more we hear certain words, the stronger the frame of these words become. This is precisely why the media has such a big impact on how we perceive certain things.

Instead of creating frames from personal experiences, we as a society are creating them from what other’s tell us. This can be a great thing that saves us time and brainpower. However, this can also be  extremely troublesome once private stakeholders begin garnering power over the media, and thus power over us.

Indirectly Suppressing Free Energy

So… there are a myriad of free energy technologies that have come to existence since the 1900’s, yet why have none of us ever heard of them? Well, there are many cases that illustrate how private energy profiteers have been able to directly conceal such technologies. But, the real power-plays in which have prevented the mainstream from even considering the fact of oil-free energy have been done indirectly through the media.

How are these major media outlets doing so? By not reporting on it. 

If a mainstream media outlet such as Buzzfeed, CNN, or FOX News were to extensively cover free energy technology, everyone and their dog would understand what a Tesla coil is, or a hydrogen engine is. And if the mainstream public were aware of these terms, they wouldn’t stand for high gas prices, oil filled oceans, and a depleting ozone layer. They would demand a change in the way our society operates.

But they have no idea these things even exist. Seriously, go ask your neighbor and see for yourself.

However, they do know Kim Kardashian’s favorite food, or the recent feud between Kanye West and Taylor Swift because this kind of stuff is important right?

The point is…

If people want to learn about free energy, they need to go out of there way to do so.  And when they finally do, the media outlets that actually report on free energy are ones in which most people have never ever heard of… meaning that even though they may be extremely credible, they are given zero credibility, along with free energy and its potential for human kind.

One thought on “How The Media Suppressed Free Energy

  1. Very interesting topic! I throughly enjoyed that video and I think it does a good job showcasing the difference of what we precieve and what really goes on. The best quality of this post is its actually quality. There aren’t any sentences that don’t fit and they are all consise and well thought out.

    What was particularly interesting to me was the section on certain words that trigger and activate circuits in our brain and influence our connections. I think this is a huge topic in of itself and could covered in more depth. Overall this blog is clear, concise and to the point!


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