Teslas free energy

“This new power for the driving of the world’s machinery will be derived from the energy which operates the universe, the cosmic energy, whose central source for the earth is the sun and which is everywhere present in unlimited quantities.” –Nikola Tesla

Many of the world’s present day problems are a direct result of this world’s demand and need for energy.  The word ‘Sustainability’ has risen in popularity over the past decade. Yet the mainstream public still look around the room in confusion when you mention to them the phrase “free energy”.

Free energy… quite an odd sounding term indeed. Energy can never be free based on simple physics. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed which concludes it can never be ‘free’. Or can it?

The Tesla Coil

Dating all the way back to the late 1880’s, credited electrical science trade journals were predicting the world would soon experience free electricity and energy in the near future. Who was the scientist behind these predictions?

Nikolai Tesla, the man we all know for his discovery of alternating current. But it wasn’t his only groundbreaking invention.  What many history books don’t tell us is how in 1901, Tesla made promises to the public that he would supply wireless electrical energy and power tp every car in New York City at no cost.  And this was only the beginning

Quite the promise it was.

His wireless electrical generator known as the tesla coil was stationed at Wardenclyffe tower in New York City.

If succesful, Tesla was going to build these towers all over the developed and developing world to create a power grid that would fill the planet with electrical energy by tapping into the nautral teluric currents that move throughout the earth.

It sounds like science fiction. but to back up his claim of such technology, tesla gave a demonstraetion to the American Institute of Electrical Engineers 10 years prior to this in which he lit up a florescent bulb without the use of any wires.

For the naysayers out there, this is well documented and to further back it up, here is a present day demonstration of a Tesla coil in action-

Unfortunately, the Wardenclyffe tower was cut short of completion. J.P Morgan, the projects primary backer, cut the projects additional funding and the building was demolished along with any hope of tesla’s power grid.

This has left both electrical engineers and conspirators searching the records to find answers in regaurds to Tesla’s unfinished project. Was Tesla’s promises of global free wireless energy just a bunch of hoopla that was wasting JP Morgans money?  Or did Morgan, the brilliant businessman that he was, catch on to the fact that if Wardenclyffe tower succeeded, general electric would quickly become a company of the past?

How Tesla’s Invention Would Change The World

Had the tower of Wardenclyffe been completed without sudden interruption, Tesla could have quite literally supplied the entire world with free energy and high speed radio frequency (modern day high speed internet) by the late 1920’s.





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